Audiophiles tended to shudder whenever there's a
mention of "multiple subwoofer system"! Why is it so?
Could it be a mindset of sort, or the idea that it is next
to impossible to come up with such a system? Or it's
plain 'blasphemy' to even talk about this subject,
where the audiophiles would rather 'religiously'
hang on to ideas that are strictly 'hifi related'?!
Thought this was years ago, read 'ancient' that
subwoofers are best used in home theatre(HT)
only! That the mention of subwoofer(s) for 2 channel
stereos was a 'no no'!!!! Alright, then you may
say that was then, this is now! So did you still
hang on to that idea or you have started to
venture into the use of subwoofer(s)?
Uncle Vic has always go against the grain, so
to speak and 'dare to go where no man has been
before!' So that may make him a hifi renegade,
in fact many audiophiles found him to be despicable
at times because of his known involvements into
multiple subwoofer systems and his incessant
mention of the said subject. Doesn't in history
innovators face the same sort of resistants
and even persecuted for their beliefs?
For the start of the year 2011, Uncle Vic
decided to 'unveiled' his unorthodox and
out of the ordinary system. And just the
hardwares and any upgrades, though there
are many audiophiles who are already
quite familiar with the said setup. How does
it sound? Your guess is as good as anybody
who has never listen to a "multi sub system"
(short for multiple subwoofer system) before!
Anyone would have expected ground shaking
low frequencies, objects in the room rattling,
ceiling boards vibrating, your very chair you
are sitting on shaking violently and finally
maybe, just maybe if you have a heart ailment,
or any other body disorder(s) to feel like throwing
out and run the risk of a heart failure or even
sudden death! Yes, no?!
Do you(still do for ever more) or did you (used to
think these are all possible)really think for a
minute these will happen? However, there is
no substitute for just reading, you have got to
sit in front of one such setup and find out for
yourself. And there are already several such
setups of variously different configurations.
The hardwares(subwoofers) included the following,
2 x 12" down firing with servo & a down firing port
2 x 10" front firing with servo closed box design
2 x 10" down firing with servo and front firing port
1 x 8" front firing with servo closed box design
1unit with two 16cm driver in band pass confirguration,
no servo(quite similar to a Rogers AB-1 bass extender)
1unit with one 16cm driver in band pass, passive.
2 unit with one 6.5" driver each, in bookshelf enclosure,
used as passive radiators.