Wednesday, September 28, 2011

TAD 音响大马发布会

大马先锋牌(Pioneer)子公司TAD(Technical Audio Devices)音响上星期假吉隆坡AV Design陈列室发表一系列新产品予本地音响爱好者。笔者有幸受邀参与其盛。

一些人也许对TAD这个品牌感到陌生,在此我稍微介绍:它成立于1975年,是Pioneer为将产品提升至更高层次而成立的新公司,地点在美国,开始时,是设计与制造专业(Pro)与录音室(Studio)喇叭。它的目标很简单,就是要设计出性能最优秀的扬声器!1977年推出Exclusive Model 2301与3301,1978年推出TAD TD-4001与TD-1601:震惊了欧美专业录音室市场。当时TD-4001高音单元已采用了铍金属振膜(Beryllium)。TAD在欧美打响知名度后便一直受到专业录音室的采用,如美国的Air Studio,George Lucas的Skywalker Sound(USA),Pixar动画公司的Pixar Animation,Walt Disney Production(USA),日本NHK(Tokyo),中岛美雪(演唱会),Eagle(演唱会)等。

TAD家族:D600 CD唱盘(由上至下),外置电源供应,C2000前级,M2500后级

TAD在专业市场扬名立万之后,便将目标转移至高级家用市场,于2000年邀请知名音响设计者Andrew Jones加入,担任设计团队的总工程师。此君来头可不小,他曾在英国KEF公司服务11年期间,研发出Uni-Q同轴单元;成为KEF新一代扬声器的共同特征,而这概念,也随着Andrew Jones进入TAD,成为CST(Coherence Source Transducer),独一无二的铍(Beryllium)同轴单元。在2003年推出第一对家用喇叭TAD Model One(M-1),2006发表Model Two(M-2),2007则是Reference One(R-1),至此,TAD的家用喇叭设计已迈向成熟期,而R-1则以限量生产策略,每年仅48对供应全球市场!

TAD设计团队总工程师Andrew Jones

谈了TAD的一些背景,言归正传,这次TAD大马推介礼由大马Pioneer董事经理高桥和敏(Kazutoshi Takahashi)先生主持。他首先介绍说TAD是Pioneer的高级专业音响品牌,以设计喇叭为主,之后再推出CD唱盘及放大器,一系列音响产品完成后,才正式在大马推出。

Pioneer董事经理高桥和敏(左二),AV Design
James Tan和Tony(右二及三)主持TAD开幕仪式

这次陈列的器材包括TAD CR1书架型喇叭(订价马币148,000),TAD D600 SACD/CD唱盘(马币129,000),TAD C2000前级(马币128,000)及TAD M2500后级(马币115,000)。这套系统曾于去年吉隆坡国际影音展示范,当时后级是用M600单声道。音质可说是会场内最佳系统之一,著实令人惊艳!

TAD CR1 喇叭

CR-1采用高贵的Pommele Sapelli木皮,

TAD 600 CD 唱盘

TAD C2000前级与M2500后级






最后来到器材试听环节。由AV Design主持James Tan负责,他先播日本‘至尊鼓王’猪俣猛的Ex-Spiral天碟第3轨Act & Silence,接着是Pink Floyd的The Wall专辑。TAD CD1虽然是书架型喇叭,低音只有8寸,但一听之下众人都问,James是否将超低音(Sub-woofer)隐藏起来。可见这不大又不小的喇叭功力深厚。当听Fleetwood Mac Rumours专辑的Gold Dust Woman时,Stevie Nicks浑厚飘逸,有点粗犷又不多加修饰的嗓音,TAD还原得淋漓尽致,听得众人悠然神往。

TAD 8" Aramid纤维複合材料振膜单元


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Part 1: As You Like it!

Now that the Hifi show is no longer the conversation
piece at drinking sessions, the excitement is almost
over but thoughts still linger on with memories of the
3 day festival. Let's get back to the real world realities
and problems, if you have not stop thinking about
your wish list of what setups you may want to have
or bring back home from the hifi show, time to snap
out of it!

This posting I will ask some real world questions,
many may want to evade these questions, but
some how you will still have to face it one way
or another, even worst you may have to face
it alone! Something that audiophiles would
rather not face, rather not know and rather
not have to answer to anybody at all! All right
then, keep it to yourselves if you wish. As
you like it, then!

The question : What musical presentations
do you have in your listening room?
Irrespective if the speakers in use are
bookshelf type or floorstanders and with
or without the use of subwoofer or subwoofers,
there will be a musically beautiful soundstagings
of the sonic images in your listening room/ space,
which will be part of the music reproduction
which you will enjoy everyday of the year!

Simple but yet a nagging little question that
many felt best left unanswered! I would
reckoned readers will have their main speakers
pulled away from the front wall and side walls if
space permits, other than that the speakers
are placed plush to the front wall!

1. A musical soundstage presentation that
hugs your 2 main speakers? Meaning the
soundstage is in your listening room &
surrounding the main speakers!

2. A musical soundstage presentation that
falls into the spaces between the speakers
and the front wall, and some sonic images
to the sides of the speakers too, between
the speakers and the side walls. Meaning
the soundstaging starts from behind the
main speakers.

3. A musical soundstage presentation that
falls onto the front wall and it's 'tosai thin'
and hugs the wall! Meaning it's still in
the listening room but practically
plastered onto the front wall!

4. A musical soundstage presentation that
falls behind the front wall, and no images
seems to be in the room including the
omni directional low hz sound! Meaning
the walls of your listening room, the front
wall and the 2 side walls seems to have
disappeared, and you are no longer in
a confined space of your listening room,
and it's something you can confirmed when
you switched off all the lights! You feel you
are being transported from the listening room
be it big or small, you perceived you are
now in a big concert hall (if you are replaying
orchestral music), in a big auditorium (if
you are listening to live gig recordings),
you are in a large studio (if you are listening
to studio recording be it audiophile recording
or not).

Now take a deep breathe and think and see
what you have.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

KLIAV 2011

One night at 1.37 am I heard a loud explosion. I saw a bright light and I saw 2 alien appeared from an UFO. The next thing I heard the alien told me “You are the chosen one”. After that I can’t remember anything the next thing I know is I am 999999999 light years away from the earth. This happened 2 month ago and I am an obedient guys in their world so the alien granted me a wish. I said to them” I wish to attend the KLIAV 2011 show”. With just a blink of an eye I appeared at the show.

So this is my view for the show.

Most Consistent
PMC ib2i speaker+ Bryston 28b-sst2 amplifier
PMC + Bryston room get my vote for consistency as they really know how to put up a good system year by year. The sound is good for the surround duty but is a bit let down by the 2 channel stereo music It’s too dry for my liking.

Most Affordable.
The Creek and Epos room.
On the first day I saw an Epos being priced at RM700.OO.On the last day I saw another pair priced at RM990.The sound is not bad for the price.

Most Relaxing
Ls3/5a Room
This year the ls3/5a room line up consist of pre power of FM acoustic. The power amplifier churn out 150 watt per channel. As usual the Rogers 60 th anniversary being fire up together with the Rogers AB1.This is the best Jo ki system that evolve from

Mission cyrus 2 to

Cello etude +Quad II to

Diva Pre and power to

FM pre + Quad II 40 to

FM pre + power (Current)

I had the opportunity listen to a higher range pre power FM acoustic but surprisingly current Jo ki FM Acoustic sound better with ls3/5a.
I love this room, totally relax, natural, palpable imaging, stable pace and effortless.
The system is more open up on the last day.
I vote for this system even i didn’t convince on the connection method using AB1.
Congrats Jo ki, your gamble pays off.

Most disappointing
Focal stello utopia EM + Mcintosh room
Focal Stello Utopia EM is the 2nd top model.It is a 3 way that use a new 13inch(33mm)  "W" woofer,2 6.5 inch power flower "W" midrange and 1 inch beryllium inverted dome tweeter.The unique feature of this speaker is the use of a electro-magnet woofer.
The use of Mcintosh MC1.2kw monoblock that pump out 1200 watts.It is a quad balanced design that consist of 2 amplifier circuit that combine output in Mcintosh output autoformer.
Sound disappointing on both AV and 2 channel stereo music.
I came to understand that the Focal speaker and Mcintosh amplifier is just arrived for the show.The system do sound better on the 3rd day but still fail to save the show.
Here is some of the reason that I can think of that lead to the disappointing performance:
1)Lack of run in
On the first day when I came for listen the system is running in less than 4 hours .The power amplifier is a output transformer type of design and need a long time to run in.
2) Need tuning
As I aware the Focal speaker can be tilt and able to adjust the strength magnet of the drive.
3) Mismatch Maybe Focal speaker AND Mcintosh amplifier is a mismatch

Other system that I still remember

Nagra system with verity audio speaker. Sound sweet but the bass is wooly maybe lack power. Maybe the amplifier is under power. I visit this room on the 1st day where a solid state power amp being fired up.

German physic with moon electronics. Sound dynamic but I prefer more sweetness from the mid.

Triangle Magellan Cello + Krell KAV 400xi integrated amplifier.Looks promising and sound much better on the 3rd day.

Electrocompanient room.All electrocompanient electronics with Nordic Tone speaker.I saw this room is crowded.The sound is mellow and relax but I prefer a more upbeat sound.

BAT + Joseph audio room (Acoustic art)I like this room too.

Audio-note room
The equipment line up is AN-J/LX speaker,Quest Silver power amplifier,M2 pre-amp, Dac2 and CDT-4 as transport
Scale is bit small, i think the system should at least use a Audio-Note M3 and better still a M6 pre amp.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pop pop music artistes live at the KLIAV 2011

If you have missed the live performance this year at the KLIAV, not to dismay.
You can still watch it on of a avid fan Mr. Rocky Lim.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

精雕细琢的北欧喇叭DALI Helicon 800 MKII

DALI Helicon 800 MKII加VTL放大器

到底铝带高音(Ribbon Tweeter),还是软球型高音(Soft Dome Tweeter)好听?这是一项没有结论的问题。一般的扬声器皆以软或硬球型作高音单元,只有少数厂家用铝带高音,而这些也只出现在各牌子的高级音箱内。究其实,成本考量也是其中因素。但若想鱼与熊掌,两者兼得,恐怕非本文主角DALI音箱莫属!

90年的DALI 710810已经采用混合高音

提到DALI,也许初烧者会感到陌生,在此略叙述一下:这间位于童话之国丹麦的厂家,是该国数一数二的音箱大厂。于1983年正式创立。当初与美国Cervin Vega合作,故名“Danish American Loudspeaker Industrial”。而现在的全名则改为“Danish Audiophile Loudspeaker Industrial”,译作“丹麦音响爱好者音箱生产企业”。DALI老板Peter Lyngdorf,本身就是个音响迷,早期(约1976年)就开始经营音响进口生意,并开办了Hi-fi Klubben音响俱乐部,提供当地音响爱好者聚会和讨论音响的场所。尔后生意越做越大,Hi-fi Klubben音响连锁店越开越多(目前在北欧已超过50间),由于业务发展迅速,而经常要买进大量的音箱,但是Peter Lyngdorf有感于多数音箱的性价比都不尽理想,因此下决心自己生产音箱,这就是DALI的由来。

DALI Helicon 800 II

谈了许多DALI的背景,这又和前述两组高音单元有何关系?原因是大多数的DALI音箱都可一次性地获得两者之优点,而本次试听的Helicon 800 MK II,正是其中之一。DALI,早在1990年就已经设计出这种混合高音模组,他家的DALI 710810都应用了这类型高音。而在2002推出进化版的混合高音于顶级喇叭Euphonia MS5。又趁2008年的25周年纪念时推出Helicon II系列喇叭,800 II即是系列的老大,也是传承自MS5的最新混合高音单元。

铝带 + 软球顶高音,独一无二

Helicon 800 II采用一个约2.2寸高的铝带搭配一个1寸软球高音。根据厂方说法,一般动圈高音的指向性通常在10khz以上就会趋于狭窄,难以在较大的空间内获得高质量的声音。为了增加10khz以上的高频段扩散角度,DALI以铝带搭配软球高音的方式,将两个单元装置在一片金属板上,让箱体震动对高音的影响减至最低,也使喇叭在较大空间表现出完美声音。Helicon 800 II的软球高音可以维持到13khz才开始收窄,而那铝带高音则负责13khz27khz以上,让音场开阔纤细,宽松又没有压力的高频段,这就是它的独到之处。


高级Vice Grip喇叭线接端方便好用,而且接触牢固

Helicon 800 II的中音单元为6.5寸,以那么大的直径来作为中音单元其主因是它负责580Hz3khz之间那么宽的频域,同时才能与底下两个8寸低音单元相平衡。这3个单元的震膜是采用特殊的木纤维制成,红褐色的外表与其他喇叭不同,据说是为了维持音色的一致性。再触摸它每个悬边都很柔软,不像以往的喇叭厚硬,属于更灵活运作的橡皮。再看Helicon 800 II的箱体,它的外层经过6道打磨和7道烤漆程序而成,单单这光可鉴人的表面,即令人钦佩丹麦工艺表现。


为了试听这对Helicon系列的大哥,特地去了几趟孟沙区的Bangsar Village IIA&L Audio Station。负责人是阿祥(C. T. Seong),此君曾在该公司服务了十多年,音响经验丰富,为人亲切。首先他以VTLTL-2.5前级加ST-150后级来搭配Helicon 800 II喇叭。数位讯源是用UnisonUnico CD Primo,以全套管机音响来测试这对喇叭,还挺新鲜(其实我也建议用这套器材,想在管机的配合下,听听这对喇叭会并发出怎样的声音)。

TL 2.5 前级放大器

美国VTL ST-150后级放大器

意大利制Unico CD Primo讯源

这次我带了雨果发烧碟九(HDCD),粉墨是梦,Tracy Chapman,蔡琴老歌,天地英雄(Warrior of Heaven and Earth)等。

当我将雨果九唱片放进机内一播,第一及第二轨,分别以Neuman CMV 563 + M7AKG The Tube胆麦收录张杏月的兰花草,所听到的声音与我家的系统稍有差别。听第一轨(Neuman麦)时,人声饱满润湿,钢琴声充实,而第二轨(AKG麦)的人声则比较圆滑自然,背景音乐宁静,VTL + Helicon 800 II 都一一呈现出来。喜欢哪一轨,还需阁下自选。这张唱片的第17轨收录的黑土歌,把中国三弦国宝冯少先诠释东北农民在乡村劳动的生活感受,Helicon 800 II都如实地把三弦沧桑韵味和震耳低音鼓,一并播出一场令人震撼的发烧乐。

接着听‘粉墨是梦’第一轨‘越剧,红楼梦’中,Helicon 800 II再生二胡的通透音色;急促的弦乐与板鼓带出活生感;古筝仿佛浮游空气中与二胡一唱一答,和谐悦耳,尤其板鼓的生动,直逼现场观看戏剧般真实(本地闽剧背景音乐常用到的乐器)。可见Helicon 800 II在混血高音辅助下显现其独有音韵。而听第二轨豫剧‘花木兰’时,指甲擦过琵琶琴弦的音色,还真带有几分肃杀;板胡泣咽之声,亮而不刺;梆子声的空气感、大提琴的深沉与大鼓擂起的鼓皮震动声,800 II重播的音场与空间反射是宏大的,众乐器齐奏的高低频皆和谐连贯。

Tracy Chapman5轨‘Mountain O’things’,康加鼓穿插于人声中,感觉是紧凑响脆与能量充沛,三角铁清得像水滴般,历历在耳,煞是好听。还有Tracy厚沉的嗓子,Helicon 800 II都真挚地呈现,听久不腻。值得一提,这支歌的一段电子低音,一般喇叭都很难达到该低频水平(除非用超低音),但Helicon 800 II轻易达到,这也是它的另一项优点。

再来是听蔡琴的‘老歌’,第6轨的‘三年’。这首李香兰的成名曲,由蔡琴重新诠释,她低沉的歌喉也真的唱绝这首歌。她磁性般的声韵一句句的唱出那份无奈,Helicon 800 II也让人感受到那份暖暖的真情。听第8轨的‘红泪’,蔡琴的声音又像漂浮在空气中,那回音又让我感到在歌厅舞榭中聆赏现场演出的蔡琴,那么宽大舒适,毫无压迫感,VTL管机的实力也应记一功。

最后我听的CD是‘天地英雄’原声曲(Warrior of Heaven and Earth),也是令我听到最感动的一张!内里的第10轨‘僧人与神迹’中,DALI Helicon 800 II的混血高音发挥了极致的宽大音场,尤其是竖琴的表现令我刮耳相听,音韵的肉质感历历在耳,仿佛眼前的乐器是硕大无朋,琴声在宽阔的空间飘动,足让我真正感受到它的铝带混合高音特有的味道,实在厉害。第6轨‘响马对决’中二胡拉开一阵战鼓擂动,气势响彻空间,音像凝聚出敌对的气氛,紧凑的鼓声急促绵密,细节盈满,瞬态反应快。喇叭在大音量时的控制力极佳,配合质素越高的放大器更能将800 II的实力发挥出来


DALI Helicon 800 II的声音的确具备高级喇叭的水准,虽然卖价定为马币33千元,但和其他同价位的喇叭相比,它是超值的。从它外表的装潢,高级花梨木加7层光油烤漆,明艳照人的外型,就好像一套高贵的北欧家具。声色具备下,怎不令人爱不释手呢?

A&L Bangsar Village II 店面

试听地点:A&L Audio Station (Bangsar Village Mall II)


负责人:C. T. Seong